Read, Watch or Listen but Must Know the History of Islam

Dawah project is created for both muslim & Non-muslim
to get knowledge the truth of Islam.

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Dawah is Islamic content base platform. We trying to spread the true history of Islam among Muslims &Non-muslims People & Childrens

Prtrait Middle Eastern man

Dawah project is basically make thoose content in3 different types of way, Because not everybody liketo watch videos for long time. Somebody likes to read& There are many people like Audio. So we thought todo something like that.

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Reading E-Books


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Listening Audios

Islamic Book

Most Read PDF Book Online This Month

Aqidah is an Islamic term of Arabic origin that literally means "creed". Many schools of Islamic theology expressing different views on aqidah exist. Any religious belief system, or creed, can be considered an example of aqidah.

Written by D. Abdullah Jahangir

Awaking of
Fatin Podcasts

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Keeping Connected with the Qur’an

15:31 min
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Prayers of the Pious

7:10 min
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Keys to Prophetic Parenting

49:54 min
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His Hajj Story

1:21:00 min

Importants Videos of Islamic
Guidelines & Prohibitions

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Acts of Worship

His Hajj Story | A Dhul Hijjah Series

10 Videos
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Life of the Prophet

10 Videos
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General Phychology

Holistic Healing: Islam’s Legacy of Mental Health

14 Videos
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Acts of Worship

5 Pillars Made Plains

17 Videos
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Conversing with Allah | Qur'anic Du'as

19 Videos
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Acts of Worship

Road to Return | How to Come Back from Sin

34 Videos
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Invest in the truth.

We don’t charge for any of the resources we produce—because we believe authentic content should be available to everyone. But on the other side of the aisle is a fully-funded billion-dollar industry committed to spreading misinformation about our faith. Help us sustain our operations so we can continue to reclaim our narrative and uphold the truth for Muslims and non-Muslims alike.